QSS d.o.o. Sarajevo


Označavanje poruka kao Spam ili Nije Spam - Mark Email as Spam or as Not Spam


Removing Spam

Most filtering of unsolicited automated email (also known as spam or junk mail) is handled by a spam filter before those email messages reach your Inbox.

Email that might possibly be junk mail, but is not certain to be junk, is placed in your Junk folder. You can review these messages and either move them out of the Junk folder or delete them. If you do not move or delete the messages, they are purged after a number of days as specified by your administrator.

If you are receiving a large number of unwanted email messages, contact your administrator. Reporting email as spam helps your email administrator to fine-tune spam filtering.

Mark Email as Spam

  1.     Select the message to mark as junk.
  2.     On the toolbar, select Spam.

You can also right-click the message and select Mark as Spam.

The email is moved to your Junk folder.

Mark Email as Not Spam

Sometimes messages that are not junk are placed in the Junk folder. You can move the messages to the appropriate folder.

  1. Drag the message to another folder.
  2. Right-click the message and select Mark as Not Spam. The selected message is moved to your Inbox.

Empty the Junk Folder

The contents of the Junk folder are automatically purged after an administration-configured number of days. You can empty your Junk folder any time.

  1.     Right-click the Junk folder and select Empty Junk.
  2.     Click OK.