QSS d.o.o. Sarajevo


Using the File Manager-Kako koristiti File Manager


This tutorial covers the basics of the web-based file manager included with Virtualmin.

Using the file manager, the administrative user can view and manage any of the files located on the server.

It assumes you have first logged into Virtualmin.

Click Webmin on the top-left.

Click Others.

Click File Manager.

After a few moments, the File Manager will appear.

From here, you can begin using the file manager, performing tasks including:
- Click a directory to view it's contents
- You can make changes to a text file by single-clicking a filename, and clicking Edit.
- You can create files by clicking New, and delete files by clicking Delete.


Ovaj tutorial pokazuje kako možete upravljati datotekama putem File Manager opcije.

Prijavite se na Virtualmin Panel.

Kliknite Webmin na vrhu lijevog menija.

Kliknite Others.

Kliknite File Manager.

Nakon nekoliko trenutaka File Manager će se učitati.

Odavde možete početi koristiti file manager, obavljanje taskova uključujući:
- Pregled direktorija sa pripadajućim sadržajem 
- Možete napraviti promjene u tekstualnom obliku klikom na naziv datoteke, a zatim na Edit.
- Možete kreirati datoteke klikom na New, ili brisati datoteke, kliknite Delete.