QSS d.o.o. Sarajevo


How to create an email account-Kako kreirati-podesiti email adresu


Ovaj tutorial pokazuje kako kreirati email account-račun koji će pristupati putem POP, IMAP ili WebMaila.

Prijavite se na Virtualmin Panel.

Kliknite Edit Users.

Kliknite Add a user to this server.

Upišite email adresu, puno ime i password-šifru koja će se koristiti za ovaj email account-račun.

Kliknite na Create kako bi dodali email account-račun na vašu mail domenu.

Webmail je dostupan putem http://imevasedomene/webmail ili http://webmail.imevasedomene koristeći punu email adresu + password.

Podešavanje email accounta u mail klijentu:
Incoming i Outgoing mail server: mail.imevasedomene (opcionalno IP adresa)
Username: Login podaci se nalaze pod Mail and FTP Users kolona IMAP/POP3/FTP login
Password: vaša šifra
Uključiti opciju: My outgoing SMTP server require Authentication

Za postavke portova koristite TLS:
POP3 TLS: 110
SMTP TLS: 25* odnosno 587*
*Kako većina ISP providera na određenim internet paketima (poznati kao ADSL ili slični home paketi) ima restrikciju (zabranu) standard SMTP porta 25 morate koristiti alternativni standard port 587.

U slučaju nekih problema ili pitanja slobodno nas kontaktirajte slanjem maila na support @ qss.ba ili direktno putem support portala https://support.qss.ba

This tutorial will cover how to create an email account that can be accessed via POP, IMAP, or web-mail.

It assumes you have first logged into Virtualmin.

Choose the domain you would like to add the email account to. You can do that by selecting the domain name from the drop-down box on the top-left.

Click Edit Users.

Click Add a user to this server.

You can now enter the email address, full name, and password to use for this email account.

Click Create, and Virtualmin will add the email account to your server.

Webmail is available through http://domainname/webmail or http://webmail.domainname using the full email address + password.

Setup email accounts in the email client:
Incoming and Outgoing mail server: mail.domainname (optional IP address)
Username: Login information is located under Mail and FTP Users column IMAP/POP3/FTP login
Password: your password
Include an option: My outgoing SMTP server require authentication

Communication ports TLS:
POP3 TLS: 110
SMTP TLS: 25* or 587*
*Many ISPs are now blocking port 25. If you are unable to send email but are able to receive, you may need to change your outgoing SMTP server port to 587.